# Airports By Filter API
This endpoint lets you filter and get detailed info about airports. You'll find data like airport name, IATA code, ICAO code, geographic coordinates, altitude, city, timezone, country code, contact details, website, and social media links. It also includes alternative names, runway count, yearly departures, connections, and indicators for major and international status.
Example API Request:
HTTP GET Request Parameters:
Parameter | Description | |
access_key |
required | Your API access key, which can be found in your account dashboard. |
iata_code |
required (*) | Filter by Airport IATA code. |
icao_code |
required (*) | Filter by Airport ICAO code. |
city_code |
required (*) | Filter by IATA City code. |
country_code |
required (*) | Filter by Country ISO 2 code. |
(*) Note: You must provide at least one of the required parameters.
Example API Response:
"success": true,
"data": [
"name": "John F. Kennedy International Airport",
"names": {
"uk": "Міжнародний аеропорт імені Джона Кеннеді",
"cs": "Letiště JFK",
"pnb": "جان ایف کینیڈی انٹرنیشنل ہوائی اڈہ",
"es": "Aeropuerto Internacional John F. Kennedy",
"fr": "Aéroport international John-F.-Kennedy",
"sv": "John F. Kennedy International Airport",
"ko": "존 F. 케네디 국제공항",
"th": "ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติจอห์น เอฟ. เคนเนดี",
"hu": "John Fitzgerald Kennedy nemzetközi repülőtér",
"da": "John F. Kennedy International Airport",
"ja": "ジョン・F・ケネディ国際空港",
"ru": "Международный аэропорт имени Джона Кеннеди",
"fa": "فرودگاه بینالمللی جان اف کندی",
"el": "Διεθνές Αεροδρόμιο Τζον Κένεντι",
"sc": "Abioportu JFK de Noa Iorcu",
"id": "Bandar Udara Internasional John F. Kennedy",
"zh": "約翰·甘迺迪國際機場",
"no": "John F. Kennedy internasjonale lufthavn",
"az": "Con Kennedi adına hava limanı",
"lv": "Džona Kenedija starptautiskā lidosta",
"fi": "John F. Kennedyn kansainvälinen lentoasema",
"nl": "John F. Kennedy International Airport",
"pl": "Port lotniczy Nowy Jork-JFK",
"tl": "Paliparang Pandaigdig ng John F. Kennedy",
"ar": "مطار جون إف كينيدي الدولي",
"hak": "Kâm-nái-thit Koet-chi Kî-chhòng",
"tt": "Nyu-York Con Kennedi isemendäge xalıqara hawa alanı",
"de": "John F. Kennedy International Airport",
"it": "Aeroporto Internazionale John F. Kennedy",
"pt": "Aeroporto Internacional John F. Kennedy",
"en": "John F. Kennedy International Airport",
"he": "נמל התעופה ג'ון פ. קנדי",
"hi": "जॉन एफ कैनेडी अंतरराष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डा",
"hr": "Međunarodna zračna luka John F. Kennedy ",
"hy": "Ջոն Քենեդի միջազգային",
"jp": "ジョン・F・ケネディ国際空港",
"ro": "Aeroportul Internațional John F. Kennedy",
"sk": "Medzinárodné Letisko Johna F. Kennedyho",
"sr": "Aerodrom Džon F. Kenedi",
"sl": "Mednarodno letališče John F. Kennedy",
"tr": "New York John F Kennedy International",
"vi": "Sân bay quốc tế John F. Kennedy",
"ka": "ჯონ კენედის საერთაშორისო აეროპორტი",
"ms": "Bandar Udara Internasional John F. Kennedy"
"iata_code": "JFK",
"icao_code": "KJFK",
"faa_code": "JFK",
"un_locode": "USJFK",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"lat": 40.63983,
"lng": -73.77874,
"alt": 9,
"city_code": "NYC",
"city": "New York",
"country_code": "US",
"state": "NY",
"departures_intl": 44534,
"departures_dom": 61651,
"connections_intl": 209,
"connections_dom": 134,
"is_major": 1,
"is_international": 1,
"runways": 8,
"connections": 343,
"departures": 106185,
"website": "https://www.jfkairport.com/",
"twitter": "twitter.com/jfkairport",
"facebook": null,
"instagram": "instagram.com/jfkairport",
"linkedin": null,
"youtube": null,
"phone": "7182444444",
"phone_formatted": "(718) 244-4444",
"email": null,
"postal_code": "11430",
"with_schedules": 1,
"type": "airport",
"fir_code": "KZNY",
"fir_name": "NEW YORK",
"size": "large",
"status": "active",
"popularity": 206185
API Response Objects:
Response Object | Description |
name |
Public name. |
iata_code |
IATA code. |
icao_code |
ICAO code. |
lat |
Geo Latitude. |
lng |
Geo Longitude. |
alt |
Airport Runway Elevation (feet). |
city |
Airport metropolitan city name. |
city_code |
Airport metropolitan 3-letter city code |
un_locode |
United Nations location code. |
timezone |
Airport location timezone. |
country_code |
ISO 2 country code. |
names |
Alternative names in different languages. |
runways |
Total airport runways. |
departures |
Total departures from the airport per year. |
connections |
Total connections with other airports. |
is_major |
The major airport in the metropolitan area. |
is_international |
The airport provides international flights. |
website |
Airport official website. |
facebook |
Airport official Facebook page. |
twitter |
Airport official Twitter account. |
instagram |
Airport official Instagram profile. |
linkedin |
Airport official Linkedin profile. |