Cities by IATA Code API

This API endpoint offers details about cities, including their codes, country, population, currency codes, and symbols. This information is beneficial for applications and websites that need localization, facilitating the automatic display of the appropriate local currency and enhancing user experience with accurate, context-specific data.

Example API Request: access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY&codeIataCity=SIN

HTTP GET Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key required Your API access key, which can be found in your account dashboard.
codeIataCity required Filtering by IATA City code.

Example API Response:

            "name": "Singapore",
            "iata_city_code": "SIN",
            "un_locode": "SGSIN",
            "lat": 1.28967,
            "lng": 103.85007,
            "alt": 22,
            "timezone": "Asia/Singapore",
            "country_code": "SG",
            "population": 3547809,
            "names": {
                "de": "Singapur",
                "hi": "सिंगापुर",
                "fi": "Singapore",
                "ru": "Сингапур",
                "lo": "ປະເທດສິງກະໂປ",
                "pt": "Singapura",
                "yue": "星架坡",
                "fr": "Singapour",
                "hak": "Sîn-kâ-po",
                "gan": "新加坡",
                "wuu": "新加坡",
                "uk": "Сінгапур",
                "km": "សិង្ហបុរី",
                "sv": "Singapore",
                "ko": "싱가포르",
                "mr": "सिंगापूर",
                "el": "Σιγκαπούρη",
                "en": "Singapore",
                "it": "Singapore",
                "my": "စင်ကာပူနိုင်ငံ",
                "ta": "சிங்கப்பூர்",
                "es": "Singapur",
                "zh": "新加坡",
                "pa": "ਸਿੰਗਾਪੁਰ",
                "ar": "سنغافورة",
                "th": "สิงค์โปร",
                "ja": "シンガポール",
                "fa": "سنگاپور",
                "da": "Singapore",
                "he": "סינגפור"
            "wikipedia": "",
            "slug": "singapore-sin-sg"